Mar 21

Article published in Counterpunch by Vicente Navarro. March 8th 2012.

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Mar 07

Article published in Social Europe Journal by Vicente Navarro. February 10th 2012 Continue reading »

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Feb 15

The Reina Sofia Museum today opens the exhibition of the conceptual artist Hans Haacke “Castillos en el aire” (15/2 – 23/7) which is an exhibition critique of real estate speculation in Spain. The Reina Sofia invited Professor Navarro to write an introduction to the subject that could be distributed during the exhibition. The blog today presents the Spanish and the English versions. Continue reading »

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Feb 24

Published by Counterpunch, February 22th 2010

The fascist regime led by General Franco was one of the most repressive regimes in Europe in the twentieth century. It was imposed on the Spanish people by Hitler and Mussolini; without their assistance, Franco could not have defeated the popular forces that defended the democratically elected government of the Spanish Republic during the years 1936–1939. Continue reading »

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Jan 13

The Conference is presented by the Professor John Schmitt from the Center for Economic and Policy Research of Washington, DC, EEUU and Vicente Navarro from the Pompeu Fabra University and from the Johns Hopkins University during the Congress “Criticism and Crisis of the Tax System design of the Public expenditure model in Spain 1997-2008. July 14th-18th. 2008.

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May 27

Vicenç Navarro, Marta Tur i Maria Freixanet. Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials. Universitat Pompeu Fabra


El gran dominio de las fuerzas conservadoras y liberales en los medios de información españoles explica que se reproduzcan interpretaciones de la realidad que nos rodea, que a base de repetirse se convierten en la “sabiduría convencional” del país. Continue reading »

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