Aug 24

Article written by Professor Navarro on Soccer and Bullfighting in Spain

Published in the U.S. journal, Counterpunch, on August 18, 2010

This article explains the political context in which some major events in Spain, such as the victory of the Spanish soccer team in the World Cup and the cessation of bullfighting in Catalonia, have occurred in Spain. Continue reading »

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Feb 24

Published by Counterpunch, February 22th 2010

The fascist regime led by General Franco was one of the most repressive regimes in Europe in the twentieth century. It was imposed on the Spanish people by Hitler and Mussolini; without their assistance, Franco could not have defeated the popular forces that defended the democratically elected government of the Spanish Republic during the years 1936–1939. Continue reading »

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Jan 13

The Conference is presented by the Professor John Schmitt from the Center for Economic and Policy Research of Washington, DC, EEUU and Vicente Navarro from the Pompeu Fabra University and from the Johns Hopkins University during the Congress “Criticism and Crisis of the Tax System design of the Public expenditure model in Spain 1997-2008. July 14th-18th. 2008.

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Oct 16

Published by Counterpunch, February 9th 2009

President Obama has put forward the name of Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the well-known chief medical correspondent for CNN, for the position of surgeon general of the U.S. Public Health Service – the chief public health officer of the federal government. Dr. Gupta has received wide acclaim as the most important voice on medical matters in the U.S. broadcasting industry. And CNN has played an important role in developing and promulgating the U.S. establishment’s conventional wisdom on what is happening in the country’s medical care. Dr. Gupta has been a major force in the promotion of that wisdom. Continue reading »

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Sep 09

Published by Counterpunch, September 7th 2009

Why Obama Needed Single Payer on the Table

Let me start by saying that I have never been a fan of Barack Obama. Early on, I warned many on the left that his slogan, “Yes, we can,” could not be read as a commitment to the major change this country needs (see “Yes, We Can. Can We? The Next Failure of Health Reform”). Continue reading »

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